Josh Allen

Josh Allen



Josh Allen was born on July 13, 1997 in Cumberland County, Virginia. He is a defensive end in the NFL.

Allen was born on July 13, 1997 to Kim and Robert Allen in Cumberland County, Virginia. He has a twin brother, Isaiah, and four older sisters. Due to a stutter, he spent part of his studies in New Jersey's special education system. Allen then went to live with his relatives in Alabama, attendi...

Josh Allen was born on July 13, 1997 in Cumberland County, Virginia. He is a defensive end in the NFL.

Allen was born on July 13, 1997 to Kim and Robert Allen in Cumberland County, Virginia. He has a twin brother, Isaiah, and four older sisters. D...


1997-07-13 (Age: 26) Cumberland County, VA, USA


Montclair (NJ)


September 8, 2019