Marlon Vargas

Marlon Vargas

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January 12, 2001 (23)

El salvador

contract info
length team amount
2023-2023 Colorado Rapids $0
Fan Mail

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Colorado Rapids Dick’s Sporting Goods Park 6000 Victory Way Commerce City, CO 80022-4203 USA


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Marlon Vargas was born January 12, 2001 in Bakersfield, California. He is a midfielder in the MLS.

Vargas joined the academy of Major League Soccer's Seattle Sounders FC in 2016 and signed a professional contract with the team's reserve side two years later. Vargas played regularly for the reserves, later renamed Tacoma Defiance, and led the team in scoring during the 2022 season. With his 12 g...

Marlon Vargas was born January 12, 2001 in Bakersfield, California. He is a midfielder in the MLS.

Vargas joined the academy of Major League Soccer's Seattle Sounders FC in 2016 and signed a professional contract with the team's reserve side two y...


2001-01-12 (Age: 23) El salvador
