Jackson Travis

Jackson Travis

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-- LBS



February 23, 2004 (20)

United states

contract info
length team amount guaranteed avg annual salary
2023-2023 Colorado Rapids $67,360 $67,360
2022-2022 Colorado Rapids $65,500 $68,000 $65,500
Fan Mail

fan mail

Colorado Rapids Dick’s Sporting Goods Park 6000 Victory Way Commerce City, CO 80022-4203 USA


representation info

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Jackson Travis was born on February 23, 2004, in Jackson, Mississippi. He is a defenders in Major League Soccer.

Travis attended Madison Central High School, Madison Mississippi. In August 2020, Travis first joined the Rapids Academy and began his career with the club’s U-17 Academy team, playing a key part in their run to the quarterfinals of the 2021 MLS NEXT Cup. His performances with the ac...

Jackson Travis was born on February 23, 2004, in Jackson, Mississippi. He is a defenders in Major League Soccer.

Travis attended Madison Central High School, Madison Mississippi. In August 2020, Travis first joined the Rapids Academy and began his...


2004-02-23 (Age: 20) United states
