Bernard Kamungo

Bernard Kamungo

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150 LBS



January 1, 2002 (22)

United states

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length team amount
2023-2023 FC Dallas $0
Fan Mail

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FC Dallas Toyota Stadium 9200 World Cup Way Frisco, TX 75033-4950 USA


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Bernard Kamungo was born January 1, 2002 in Kasulu, Tanzania. He is a forward in Major League Soccer.

Born in Kasulu, Kamungo and his family had lived in a refugee camp before being able to relocate to the United States and settle in Abilene, Texas. After moving to the United States, Kamungo was a member of the Abilene High School soccer team. Following his graduation from high school, Kamungo,...

Bernard Kamungo was born January 1, 2002 in Kasulu, Tanzania. He is a forward in Major League Soccer.

Born in Kasulu, Kamungo and his family had lived in a refugee camp before being able to relocate to the United States and settle in Abilene, Texa...


2002-01-01 (Age: 22) United states
