Luis Torrens

Luis Torrens

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217 LBS



May 2, 1996 (28)

Valencia, VEN


contract info
length team amount avg annual salary
2022-2022 Seattle Mariners $1,200,000 $1,200,000
2021-2021 Seattle Mariners $580,700 $580,700
2020-2020 San Diego Padres $568,800 $568,800
2019-2019 San Diego Padres $555,000 $555,000
2018-2018 San Diego Padres $0 $0
2017-2017 San Diego Padres $535,000 $535,000
Fan Mail

fan mail

Seattle Mariners P.O. Box 4100 Seattle, WA 98194-0100 USA


representation info

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Luis Alfonso Torrens Sáez was born on May 2, 1996, in Valencia, Venezuela. He is a catcher in the MLB.

Torrens signed with the New York Yankees as an international free agent on July 2, 2012. He made his professional debut in 2013 for the Gulf Coast League Yankees. In 2014, he played for the Charleston RiverDogs, Gulf Coast Yankees and Staten Island Yankees.

In the 2016 Rule 5 draft, the Cin...

Luis Alfonso Torrens Sáez was born on May 2, 1996, in Valencia, Venezuela. He is a catcher in the MLB.

Torrens signed with the New York Yankees as an international free agent on July 2, 2012. He made his professional debut in 2013 for the Gulf Coa...


1996-05-02 (Age: 28) Valencia, VEN

April 3, 2017

career stats