Ice Cube's Big 3 Extends Offer To Caitlin Clark

By Michael Goldman | Posted 3 months ago

Should we applaud Ice Cube for extending a groundbreaking offer to NCAA Women's basketball star, Cailtin Clark or boo him for a bad PR stunt? I'm going with applause. Caitlin has proven to be a generational talent. She's galvanized audiences across the country and become a hero to not only young girls but young boys as well. Caitlin shattered every women's record this season and is looking to make a deep run in the tourney. There is no doubt she's one of the biggest names in all of sports.

Ice Cube owns "The Big 3" which is a 3 on 3 basketball league that consists of former NBA players and international players. Some big names you might recognize that played in the Big 3 are Allen Iverson, Joe Johnson, Stephen Jackson, Nick Young and Gerald Green to name a few. There has not been a female to compete in the league but there have been some notable female coaches, Lisa Leslie and Nancy Lieberman. Ice Cube took to X today and said, "The skeptics laughed when we made Nancy Lieberman the first female coach of a men's pro team, and she won the championship in her first year. Then Lisa Leslie won it all in year two. With our offer, Caitlin Clark can make history and break down even more barriers for women athletes."

The Big 3 execs might have a lot of red tape to get through. The WNBA does allow its players to play overseas when the WNBA season is over so it's possible this could work but there's still a ton of questions as to if this could work. One thing we know for sure, ticket sales and jersey sales will be through the roof and sponsorship opportunities will be plenty. 

This could be the first time we see male and female players competing against each other. I'm here for it.

Ice Cube...Good for you!

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