Al-Quadin Muhammad

Al-Quadin Muhammad


latest philanthropy

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Help women now by providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services.

Black Lives Matter

Join the Movement to fight for Freedom, Liberation and Justice by signing up for updates, supporting our work, checking out our resources, following us on social media, or wearing our dope, official gear.

Boys and Girls Club

Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey is an alliance of 22 Boys & Girls Club organizations serving over 70,000 youth ages 5-18 throughout the Garden State. Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey is a collaborative effort representing all 22 Clubs with the purpose of building local Club capacity; raising public awareness, and securing resources and financial support to increase the impact and reach of local Clubs.

Liz Foundation

Al-Quadin Muhammad started the Liz Foundation for his grandmother. He put it in her name because he wanted to give back to kids in the inner-city that aren’t as fortunate because his grandmother was a giving person.