Andrew Heaney

Andrew Heaney


latest philanthropy

Hearts 2 Honduras

In July of 2010, I, Rhonda Wicks, and my son, Shelton Wicks, traveled to El Progreso, Honduras to visit Copprome Children’s Home. Though we had been serving in Mexico and in different cities in the US for over 10 years, Honduras proved to be a place that God began to speak loudly and clearly to us. We fell madly in love with the children at Copprome Orphanage and committed to help give them a brighter future by providing food and paying for their education expenses! During our visit we were also introduced to a very poor community named Monte De Olivos. These were the poorest people we had ever come in contact with. God commanded us that once we had seen….we cannot turn our backs. So, along with helping Copprome…we also committed to help this hurting community have a brighter future. We have finished the last 3 homes (31 total with the help of 2 other nonprofits) and are continuing to listen to what God has for us next…

Pup-Cup 5K-9

Part of this transition is partnering with as many children’s hospitals as possible around the country to create a network of organizations that are interested in our goal of providing a therapy dog to all hospitals who desire one! In the current climate, children in hospitals have restricted access to family and loved-ones so providing a certified therapy dog to these children is the difference between spending a hospital visit in isolation or with a furry friend. Providing hurting or sick children with the warm support of a certified therapy dog has always been our priority but now, it is more crucial than ever.